Why join SOAR?

SOAR helps kids accomplish goals through goal setting and assessments and by providing training plans.

What is the cost?

$35 per season

What are the seasons?

There are three seasons:

  • September-December: CrossCountry

  • January-March: Indoor Track

  • April-July: Trails and Outdoor Track

What do you get for $35?

Kids get to participate in various fun activities with great teammates. They are coached by certified coaches who have passed appropriate background checks.

In addition, participants receive (for free):

  • Some race entries

  • A training plan that includes help setting and attaining goals

  • Seminars

  • Other non-running fun activities for kids and families

Are there scholarships available?

Yes! Please see this link.

When are practices?

They will be during the week at 5:30-6:30/7pm. We will offer 4 week day practices and on occasion a practice on Saturday mornings when coaches are available.

Where are practices?

Locations vary and are based on where families live. This allows for close practices due to the large area our club covers (Elmira, Big Flats, Watkins Glen, Corning and Painted Post areas). We try and meet every other week for one practice as a whole team.

How much do races cost?

Some races will cost more for the kids that parents will have to pay. All races are optional!

We do have scholarship money for those kids in need that want to compete.

What other things will they do?

SOAR is committed to helping our local communities! Kids will participate in one community service project per season and one fundraiser. If more options become available we will present these as well and ask those than can participate to do so.

We also do team activities that add fun for the kids and parents.

How competitive is it?

There are two types of programs:

Competitive:​ There are several XC runs on Saturdays in different local locations that we will participate in. We will also compete in USATF XC series that will be three races. The athlete will move on based on the their placement at the first meet.

We have meets on Sundays 1x a month at Cornell for indoor and outdoor track seasons, and we also have USATF meets for each season.

Non-competitive: ​For kids to have fun, become active, and enjoy running. We will have kids fun runs each month.

Kids can move between competitive and noncompetitive as needed.

How do I get some awesome SOAR gear?

We will provide each athlete a link to a gear online order form with many great items with our SOAR Logo on them. These items are optional for all families. This is a great way to support the team and get our name out into the community.

What about uniforms?

If your athlete is going to participate in the USATF meets we will be requiring them to wear a team uniform. All athletes need to match for the USATF meets and this is why it is required. No USATF meets during trail season.

How do coaches communicate with families?

The team uses an app called TeamSnap. When joining the team each member is added to the app and then sent an invite to join the app.

All events are added to the app and parents are asked to mark their athletes’ attendance.

This app allows for emails, text messages, photo storage, spreadsheets and much more to be shared.